Starts 6:00 AM 1/5/23. Ends 11:59 PM 31/7/23. Open to AUST residents 18+ who fulfil the entry/eligibility requirements. Retain purchase receipt. Weekly and monthly prizes between 10/5/23 and 2/8/23. Major draw 3/8/23. Winner will participate in random envelope pick 1/9/23 in Melbourne for chance to win $5K or $1m. Winners notified via email & phone within 2 business days of draw and published at Total prize pool up to $1,052,500 (inc GST). Promoter is Rinnai Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 74 005 138 769. 100 Atlantic Dr, Keysborough VIC 3173. Authorised under NSW Authority No. TP/02534, ACT Permit No. TP 23/00469 and SA Permit No. T23/352. Refer to full T&Cs for important dates and claim details.